Thursday, May 3, 2007

An Apology

As soon as I remember how I put this red background here, I'll change it. I can't read it and I know what I said. Sorry about that.


puppytoes said...

aieeee! my eyes! my eyes! kidding...i kid! this is a simple thing to change -- just go into the "customize template" part of your dashboard and follow the directions... easy, peesy. or so i'm told... ; ) neva

Minka said...

In your own time...there is a webpage called They have colourcodes (things that look like #0789 or soemthing) pick a colour you like, go to your template, find backgroundcolour-which should be pretty much on top and change the numbe rthere, to the number you want!)
Thought I throw my few perls of wisdom into this!

Charlene Amsden said...

JD -- someoby bled all over the page .....

Follow Neva's or Minka's directions!

J. D. said...

Thanks ladies. I'll do it right now. With my expertise, it will probably turn out plaid, so I'm glad for the advice......J.D.

I Dive At Night said...

I would like to say, (1) I like the blue background now, and (2) any old phrase about dogs and tricks is certainly wrong!

I'm proud that my mom has gone from playing Solitaire to adjusting her blog template!

Minka said...

Morgan, that is truly well put.

I brought my mom into blogging too, she still can´t change her template colour though!

*claps for JD*