Monday, April 16, 2007

Virginia Tech...why? Who can answer?

The sadness must be overwhelming for the families, classmates, friends and the entire campus in Virginia where the horrendous murders of innocent people occurred today. I believe there are many reasons, I can think of, and many that I probably can't even imagine. Could we start with a flow chart and use my reasons.....then YOU add further reasons.....and YOU add more thoughts and so on? It's going to make me feel a little better to get some of this off my chest......the perpetrator.....his parents.....lack of security.....human inhumanity.....guns.....gun manufacturers.....lobbiests for those manufacturers.....lack of legislation to control guns.....campaign contributions (millions) made TO those legislators, BY gun makers and the National Rifle Association (U.S.A. tops the list for school and campus killings)..... money.....violence in all media including music and childrens games.....acceptance of violence.....violence within families.....lack of responsibility by all of the above persons and, no doubt, you can continue the flow. But, I'll tell you, it didn't make me feel any better. I would value all ideas and love to know to whom it could be sent for consideration. Are my ambitions too lofty?


I Dive At Night said...

Tragic, appauling, shocking, terrible. Good you're trying to put this event into some kind of perspective, but I'm sure it doesn't have a reason or buried logic.

J. D. said...

It's hard to stop thinking about it. It brought me to tears. I had to put it in words.

Charlene Amsden said...

It is too much to process. Too much to comprehend. When will the violence stop?