Tuesday, April 10, 2007

Try, try again

..........so I forge ahead with no confidence whatsoever.

Why is it that all my creativity takes place or comes to mind at night? I'm not a day person. I think it has to do with the time of day you were born. I arrived in the early evening and that remains the best part of my day. Mornings are useless to me. I don't perk up after a cup of coffee. It takes me several hours and a small mid-day snack to face the day. Last night I thought of three interesting things to put in my journal. None had to do with rambling on about nothing to say. Now (near noon) I can't verbalize or even think of the topics I wanted to talk about. Years back all my writing, both poetry and prose, was done at night. At times I'd wake up in the middle of the night to jot down ideas. ( a comical reminder to my surgeon to be extra careful in the morning.....or a rehash of a water fight my son had at his first job when he was fifteen...too young for a driver's license, so I drove him at odd hours. No problem. I was awake anyway.) I should take my blogging machine up stairs at night, where and when, all my words seem to be................J.D.


Minka said...

Join teh club. I am of little use over the day. I hang around, take walks, work out...but my brain switches on after dinner time...then I am ready to go until 3 at night, that´s when the magic happens in my vicinity. It is a nice feeling to be productive when everybody is unconcious :)

J. D. said...

That's me all over. (Not the workout part) I enjoy the solitude also............J.D.